Happy Book Birthday, SUN DOG!
It feels like I've been waiting forever to see my first picture book published. And here it is, officially out in the world as of today!...
Cover Reveal!!
I'm happy-dancing-over-the-moon excited to share the cover of my debut picture book -- SUN DOG -- illustrated in polymer clay and...
Happy Book Birthday, Feathered!
Woo-hoo! It's April...flowers are budding, and the last patches of snow are melting away. Spring has arrived and with it, my newest novel...
PB and YAY!
Breaking news alert! I'm super thrilled to announce that I've signed on with Pajama Press for my debut picture book! *Throws Confetti*...
The New Cover Has Landed
I'm super excited to be able to share the cover of my upcoming middle-grade novel, Feathered. [cue flailing Kermit arms here!!] Sending...
I'm thrilled to report that my new novel -- Bye-Bye, Evil Eye -- is now available in bookstores everywhere! So what are you waiting for?...
Brand Spanking New Website
Welcome to my new and (hopefully) improved website! I've been meaning to do an online renovation for a while. And now that I've started...
GG Shortlist
Last week, I got the shock of my life when my publisher called with the news that Under the Moon had been selected as a finalist for the...
Word on the Street Toronto
I was thrilled to be invited to read from Under the Moon at this year’s Word on the Street in Toronto. Lucky me got to share the ‘This is...